Friday, May 20, 2011

What does PVP mean?

Other than the obvious answer which is player-versus-player, PVP means different things to each individual.  To me it means that I am gearing up, running around and looking for people to pew-pew.  I have can-flipped, I have waited for newbies to fly into low-sec space; I have roamed, looking for other people with roughly equal skills to kill.  Most of the time, this ends in either me losing my ship, or my prey running before I can get a point on them.  All I know is that I have had fun doing something or nothing depending on the person looking at this.

PVP is something that I savor and enjoy.  The thrill of finding someone you think you can actually kill, looking for them on D-Scan which, for me, still can end in failure.  (I am really only a month old in PVP) I love the feeling of warping in, wondering if they're waiting for you, sitting at 70km from warp in or whether they see you coming and are spinning up their warp drive to  rocket off into the unknown just as I am landing in, within point range.  One of the most aggravating things that I have come across so far are targets that actually may provide a bit of fun pew-pew leaving the area as I am about halfway through target-lock within point range.  "Just a couple more seconds, I think to myself." alas, this is how the majority of my roams end...with me wanting something that the other person doesn't.  That happens to also be a parallel to my real life as well.

Anyway, I try to live in Eve by a strict moral code.  While I haven't gotten a ransom yet in my limited pirating experience, I will always honor them.  People that don't piss me off because not only does it affect every other pirate out there, but shows just how little integrity that person has.

Integrity is a big thing with me.  If I cause a problem or I am wrong in something, I will admit it or own up to it.  Lying accomplishes nothing but complications for yourself, It's almost always easier to confess and suffer the punishment than live with the guilt that I carry around for the remainder of my days.  At least it is to me, mileage may vary.

I try not to kill people that are brand new.  If I attack and then realize that the person I am attacking has less than a month's worth of skills, I warp off.  It's not that I'm weak in that I can't take what I want from whomever I want, the ulterior motive is that I want them to stick around in EVE so I have juicier targets later on.  I teach them a lesson about low-sec, I open a private channel with them and explain what they did wrong, what modules they should be fitting if they are carebears ratting in low-sec and then what they could have done differently. What's the point in sticking your firearm over the fence, pointed at a deer at point blank, when I know that later I can pursue that deer in the forest and get a real hunt.

If you are a friend, you are trusted.  I know this goes against the grain in EVE and I realize that I will probably suffer the consequences at some point in the future, but, this is just a game.  I can earn back those dastardly pixels, however, if I don't treat my real friends in game like I do my friends in real life, I will have a much harder time sleeping at night than if I am the target of someone's betrayal.  It's just how I work.  Friends and Family are sacred and if you're one, you're the other.  (I know some people who might read this blog are going to befriend me just so they can screw me knowing my weakness, but honestly, I don't really care.)  A friend on a list and a real friend in game are two different things.

Fly by the seat of my pants?  I think not!  I like to be methodical.  One of the problems I have in PVP is that I don't attack quick enough once I'm in a system where someone else I think I can beat is.  They see me come into local, kick it around for another 5 minutes finishing up their current pirate spawn and then leave.  In that time I am scanning down my prey's location, looking at their description, getting an idea of their ship and checking to see what their skills look like if they have posted them there.  This is something I need to learn to do quicker if I really want to become an accomplished PVPer and pirate.

I may have rambled a bit on this and wrote a book but I'm not sorry, felt good to say what I was thinking.  Read on if you want to know how my typical EVE play session goes!

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